Tuesday, February 5, 2008

even when i didn't ask!!!

hey musiclovers!

this may just be a quick blog, or i may start to go on and on. i'm not sure yet, but stick with me, i'm sure you'll get a kick out of it!

as most of you know, i preached at evangel church of God 2 sundays ago. some of you were even kind enough to come and support me. (thanks very much, you'll never know what that means to me) anyway, a friend of mine who works with me in ministry came along with me. his name is robert. he is a really cool 19 year old with a heart on fire for God.

anyway, once we got there, i brought out my preaching bible. a pitiful thing that it is. i have beat it senseless. it even is being held together by duct tape. i gave him my typical response when he joked about it. i said "hey, bibles that are falling apart are usually owned by people that aren't". and we had a good laugh about it. i then preached one of the most heartfelt messages of my life, called "i want pretty feet". (yes, i know, i AM a dork) it was all about service and salvation. i was really pleased with the way that God used me.

the next week, robert gave me a brand new life application study bible. i almost broke down in tears.

you see, a little while back, i had to dispose of my old study bible. it was so abused that even duct tape couldn't hold it together anymore. this really bummed me out, but hey, i still had my preaching bible, and my travel bible, and my e-sword that i downloaded for free from my friend bill's chuch's website (thanks man, that is an awesome resource). but still, i no longer had my good study bible.

while i was preparing my sermon, i talked to God (yeah, i talk and read and study all at the same time). while studying, i mentioned that i really missed my study bible. i wasn't complaining, and i didn't ask for a new one. i just mentioned how much i missed it. then didn't think about it again because i knew i didn't have the money to get one that i really wanted.

so, imagine my surprise, when out of nowhere, my friend robert put that study bible into my hands. all i could think was "wow Lord, i didn't even ask you for this". it was all i could do to keep from blubbering like an idiot. imagine. God cares for me so much, that He gave me something that i didn't even ask for, just because He knew that i really wanted it.

the really, really cool part is this. i would probably NEVER have bought this particular bible myself. but after checking it out, i have to say that it is quite possibly the BEST study bible that i have ever owned. it has so many different helps and resources that it may take awhile to find ways to use them all!

you see, this is just yet another example of the greatness of the God that i serve. because, even when i didn't ask Him, he gave me something that i really wanted. because, He is just that cool.

much love

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