Wednesday, September 3, 2008

so, in this hour, live like you're alive!!!!

this is taken from the song "so, in this hour" by the christian artist called the rocket summer.

"So in this hour
Everything I do
Will be all for this moment
Everything's for you
My heart is open
And willing
So take it"

this is taken from the song "live like you're alive" by the christian group called nevertheless.

"So here, I stand,
I'm ready for anything
i'm Just, a man,
but I'm giving everything
We're here
only for a second and then
We're gone
when we least expect it
So do more than survive
Let's live like we're alive"

as most of you know, i love music. but mostly, i really love it when i find a new group, or a new song, or something that i've never heard of, and it just totally blows my mind either lyrically, or musically, or both. until recently i had never heard of the rocket summer, or nevertheless. but i have to say, i have become a fan.

i love the line where it says "my heart is open, and willing, so take it". so often, as christians, we want God to give us everything that we need, everything that we want, and sometimes everything that we see. and what do we offer Him in return? we offer him advice on how He should be God!! seriously. how many times have you complained to Him that if He would just grant you what you've prayed for that your life would just be great and you could finally be happy? think about it.

when was the last time that you honestly said, my heart is open and willing Lord, please just take it. without adding some kind of stipulation to the request.

and then, the other song, we're here only for a second and then we're gone when we least expect it so do more than survive. live like we're alive. when i first heard that line, it literally took my breath away. i felt like i had been hit in the gut with a brick made of truth.

for the last couple of months, i've been going on remote control. kinda like the guy from the old mcdonald's commercial. remember? get up, go to work, go home, go to bed. get up go to work go home go to bed get up go to work go home go to bed. get up go to work GO TO MCDONALD'S go to bed. caught in the same rut, day after day after day with something special every now and then, and then back to the rut.

i'm sorry, but i believe that i was put on this earth for more than that!! how about you? are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? (sorry, couldn't help using that old cliche) are you tired of same old same old? are you ready for a revolution? are you prepared for a life changing moment in your life. well so am i.

i don't consider myself a prophet. just a man who hears from God from time to time. but i believe that we can do more than just survive. we can do it simply by saying "Lord, in this hour, everything's for You. my heart is open and willing. take it". i love David's prayer that says "Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting."

if you notice, David gave no "here's how to be God" advice. or any other request but that God would know his heart and lead his actions. next time i pray, i think i'll try that. how about you?

much love

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