Monday, March 16, 2009

you are my hope

so hey, this month, in children's ministry, we are teaching the kids about hope. so i ask myself, what exactly does that mean. what does it mean to have hope? why should i have hope? is there really anything left in the world to have hope in? or have we as a human race become so jaded that we see life as hopeless?

i mean, really! the economy is going down the tubes. the world, as a whole, seems to be at war. people all around me are losing their jobs. loved ones are getting bad health reports. shucks, even i had to go to the hospital and have my appendix removed a couple weeks ago. so, really, where can we find hope.

i've had several conversations in the last couple of weeks with people that i truly love and respect. (no, not just YOU ;) btw) and they are totally disheartened. they seem to be losing their faith because of things going on in their church. and they are on the path to being some of those old bitter sourpuss christians that we all know (and love (: ). where is the HOPE?

i must admit, there have been times when my faith was shaken. there have been times when i blamed God for the shortcomings of His people. and there have been times when i have even asked God, "are we really worth the trouble?" and every time, He gently reminds me, "yes, my son, YOU were worth it all".

you see, i have no delusions of grandeur. i know that i am just as bad as the people that almost made me bitter. i've hurt others. i've discouraged others. i've let others down. and i've broken their hearts. not intentionally, of course. but i am human, just like them. the thing that we need to understand, is that, most of the time, when we are hurt, it was NOT intentional. like the old saying goes "the road to hell is paved with good intentions". sometimes, when we are wounded by "friendly fire" it is not so much "on purpose" as it is "a fallen human was involved".

that is why the bible tells us not to put our faith in men. that is why we know that Jesus, not the pastor, or the deacon, or the assistant pastor, or the woman in the third row, etc. etc etc, is our savior, and is the one who we should look to. is the one that our faith should be in.

how many of you remember the late 80's and early 90's????? were you old enough to remember all of the televangelists that fell? and ALL of the people who fell away from the church. i mean, who remembers the group "suicidal tendencies" song "send me your money"? and ozzy osbournes' song "miracle man"? it seemed like the whole world lost sight of Christ because a few highly placed preachers, fell from grace. lost sight of the savior. my question is this, why did the world fall away? was it because Christ let them down, or because their faith was in men?

billy graham once said that "the greatest cause of atheism in the world today is christians, who say that Jesus lives, then deny that he does by their lifestyle" how true is that? i wrote a blog a long time ago that asked the question "are christians their own worst enemies?" and covered this before. so, i have to ask again, where can we find hope?

2 of my favorite groups are third day and skillet. (yeah, i know) and 2 songs that by them that i love are "my hope is you (td)" and "you are my hope (S)". it really doesn't get any simpler than that. when you are all out of hope, there is really only one place to find it. if you are tired, there is only one place to find rest. if you are scared, there is only one place to find comfort. and if you are hurting, there is only one place to find healing. it is not in yourself, it is not in a bar, it is not in a bed, it is not on the road, it is not on the run. and i've said this a thousand times before. but if you are finally at the end of yourself, and your tired of running. the best place to run, is home. to the loving, waiting arms of YOUR savior. because it truly is only there that you will ever find hope. and the hope that you are desperately searching for is there waiting for you.

i love you all
much love

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