Sunday, December 7, 2008

Friday, November 21, 2008

ozzy osbourne comes to town!

for those of you that don't know it, one of the things that i do to help pay the bills is to be the d.j. at a local rodeo in waynesville, oh. that being said, this last weekend, ozzy osbourne and his family came to visit us!

ok, at the expense of sounding like a name dropper, i have to say that i actually felt like i was being punked when they told me last wednesday that they were coming. i was like, yeah, sure, ozzy osbourne is coming to hang out with the bumpkins in no-where-ville ohio. right. well, it ended up being true. it was actually pretty neat.

i must admit, like most true children of the 80's, i use to be a huge ozzy fan. i owned blizzard of oz, no rest for the wicked, tribute to randy rhoades, and many other ozzy albums. yes, in all of my 80's hair metal glory, i use to bang my head to the sounds of his albums.

and of course, like all aspiring singers, i enjoy watching america's got talent, and my children adore sharon osbourne. so when i found out they were coming, i was like "wow" but i wasn't suppose to tell anyone so i tried to keep it under wraps.

they were actually really nice and genuine. not at all like you would expect. and i must admit, it was neat to be that close to people that you feel like you've known for years because you see them on t.v.

at the end of the day, they were just normal people. just like us. kind of makes you think about some things. normal people like me. what an impact they have made on the world. be it good. be it bad. you'd have to go to a remote spot in a jungle far far away to find someone that doesn't know that ozzy bit the head off of a bat. i'd say that even the amish know who ozzy osbourne is.

one person. one normal person just like me. full of good. full of bad. full of desires. love for his family. fear for his children's wellbeing. just like me. and it makes you wonder. if he can make that kind of impact on the world. why not me.

the answer is simple. he did something. he chased his dream. whether you like him or not, agree with him or not, you have to admit that because he chased what he believed, the world knows what he believes.

what is our excuse?

i challenge you today. make a difference in those that you can. not an excuse for what you won't do.

much love

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

precious memories, broken hearts

Isa 59:19 So shall they fear the name of the LORD from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him.

hey guys,

sorry it's been so long, but i've had alot on my mind lately.
last night, i did something that i love and loathe at the same time. you see, i live with packrats. 2 of the worst that i've ever met. my wife and my son. i am one of those people that believes that everything has a place, and should be there in it, while they believe that if i ever touched it, i should never be thrown away. so, imagine my angst when i needed to find something that i hadn't seen or thought of in several years. uggghh.

however, the cool part is that while looking for that thing, i found some "old" tapes of me. preaching and singing. from like back in 1998 through 2001. these were some of the first times that i ever stood before the entire congregation to give the word of God. wow. it was very humbling as i listened to them. there was some good word there, but i am my own worst critic. i found myself listening to me grow over those first years. i saw the transformation of me trying to sound like other preachers and finding the voice that God has givin me. like i said, it was very humbling. sermons like "Jesus or Barabas" "taking back what the devil stole from me" "even tough guys need a friend" "forgiving yourself" and others actually brought back memories of church family that has gone on to heaven, and those who i haven't been in touch with for a long time. precious memories of the journey that God has brought me through.

the one that really got me though, was a tape that i found from way in the beginning. you see, when i first started preaching, a good friend of mine answered his call on the same night that i did. we often would do "tag-team" style sermons and anytime one of us was invited to preach, the other would go to support and encourage the other. he was my assistant youth pastor. he was my best friend.

as i listened to the tape of him preaching about the "wheat and the tares" being seperated, my heart began to break. he gave a great sermon and had me misty eyed. you see, a few years back, his heart was broken. the church let him down. and he turned his back on God. i'm not making excuses for him, don't get me wrong. i'm just saying that i saw what happened and know when the turning away started.

for the last several years, he and i have had a truce. i can talk about Christ, but not try to "win" him back. and we can still be friends.

he actually told me that he was going to come hear me the last time i preached, but he backed out. i believe that God is dealing with him right now. and, i need you guys to help me pray for him. his name is joe.

i honestly don't know what to do right now. my heart is broken for my friend, but i know that if I try, i would do more harm than good. but if God could send someone. if God would open the windows of heaven and pour out His spirit on him, i believe that he would come home. like i've said before, i don't consider myself a prophet, but i do hear from God. and right now, i'm hearing pray for joe. so, please, all of you that pray, please, pray for joe. God knows what he needs more than i do, so just let Him lead your prayers.

thank you, and i love you all
much love

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

carry me home

hey everybody.

that's really all that i can say.

sunday night, i finally got to preach a sermon that's been on my heart for quite some time. it was titled "Jesus said NO". while it didn't go quite the way that i had imagined it, it went exactly how God needed it to. and i am very thankful for that.

after the sermon, i was happy to see both my nephew and my dad at the alter, among several others who had responded to the word of God. also there were teens from Evangel that made recommitments to Christ. and much to my joy, there were broken people that were set free. and one certain person in particular.

you see, while i didn't know who it was, i new that God was sending me to minister there, on that night, for a specific reason. for a specific person. and i am thankful that they were open to the word of God.

i struggled during my sermon with whether or not to share a personal battle that i had faced several years ago. but God kept pressing me that it was something that would touch someone. finally, i told of a time when i had "lost" myself in my christian life. and the cause of it, and the pain and hopelessness that i had felt at that time. and i told of how God brought me through it.

during alter service, a woman came to the front, in tears, and told me that she was going through the exact same battle, and that i had described her feelings of despair like i had read her mind. i knew where she was. because i had been there and survived to tell of it. i was able to pray with her. and pray over her. and offer her hope. peace. joy. and the heart of Christ.

one of my favorite poems is the "footprints" poem. the one where, at the end, Jesus says "my precious child. i love you, and would never leave you. in the times when you saw only one set of prints, it was then that i carried you."

i can offer no better offer of hope than that. if you are tired. if you are broken. if you are lost. if you feel forgotten. if you feel hopeless. if you don't know how to stand anymore. you are not alone. it is in those moments that we realize the truth of the scripture that says "My strength is made perfect in weakness." because it is then. at that moment, that He can show us how much He loves us. by picking us up. cradling us in his arms. and carrying us home.

so if you are there. look up to heaven, and say Lord, i'm tired. i'm hurting. i'm sad. please, i have no strength left to stand. will you carry me home? and see if He doesn't cradle you, and carry you home.

much love.

Friday, September 12, 2008

it's better to remain silent and be thought a fool.........

one of my favorite quotes ever is the abraham lincoln qoute "it's better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt." i don't think that it's ever been said better than that.

let me give you 2 great examples of this. i saw two cars on the road and was amazed by how dumb people can make themselves look.

example #1: this car had a bumper sticker that said "UNITED WE STAND" and on the other side of the bumper it had a second bumber sticker that said "HE'S NOT MY PRESIDENT". so, apparently this person wants to contribute to our fallen position, or they are an idiot.

example #2: this car had a total of 4 bumper stickers #1-the only difference between obama and osama is bs. #2- 10 out of 10 terrorists approve of obama. #3- obama bin lyin. and my personal favorite, #4-positive and encouraging K-LOVE. ok, how do you have 'POSITIVE AND ENCOURAGING' on the same bumper as 3 derogatory stickers? why not instead, put some positive promo's of the candidate that you endorse. once again, i believe this person to be an idiot.

ok, i'm really not trying to be so harsh. i just get annoyed when people don't notice how important it is to know what you believe and be able to express it without attacking others.

let me give you an example. last week, i spent about 5 hours talking to someone that i don't agree with about our religious beliefs. at no point did we raise our voices, yell, call each other names or any other things like that. you see, the moment that you start doing those things is the moment that you lose your credibility. when people can't defend what they believe, they resort to attacking. trying to shut the other person up.

i like to debate/discuss. however, i refuse to argue. too many christians today, simply can not do this though. they really don't know why they believe the things that they believe. they can't tell you what the bible says, so they get angry at their own lack of knowledge, and start attacking what the other person stands for. do you really think your going to win anyone like that? at the moment you quit trying to explain your belief and start trying to tear down what they believe, they will no longer care what you have to say.

i'm not saying that i convinced him, nor he convinced me. however, we both entered the discussion with respect that the other person had strong beliefs and we both gave our points and listened, even if we disagreed. who knows, maybe one day, a life could be changed because we actually know why we believe what we believe.

so next time that you get angry when someone disagrees with you, ask yourself before you speak, "will this response draw them in, or push them away" and try your best not to REMOVE ALL DOUBT.

much love

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

so, in this hour, live like you're alive!!!!

this is taken from the song "so, in this hour" by the christian artist called the rocket summer.

"So in this hour
Everything I do
Will be all for this moment
Everything's for you
My heart is open
And willing
So take it"

this is taken from the song "live like you're alive" by the christian group called nevertheless.

"So here, I stand,
I'm ready for anything
i'm Just, a man,
but I'm giving everything
We're here
only for a second and then
We're gone
when we least expect it
So do more than survive
Let's live like we're alive"

as most of you know, i love music. but mostly, i really love it when i find a new group, or a new song, or something that i've never heard of, and it just totally blows my mind either lyrically, or musically, or both. until recently i had never heard of the rocket summer, or nevertheless. but i have to say, i have become a fan.

i love the line where it says "my heart is open, and willing, so take it". so often, as christians, we want God to give us everything that we need, everything that we want, and sometimes everything that we see. and what do we offer Him in return? we offer him advice on how He should be God!! seriously. how many times have you complained to Him that if He would just grant you what you've prayed for that your life would just be great and you could finally be happy? think about it.

when was the last time that you honestly said, my heart is open and willing Lord, please just take it. without adding some kind of stipulation to the request.

and then, the other song, we're here only for a second and then we're gone when we least expect it so do more than survive. live like we're alive. when i first heard that line, it literally took my breath away. i felt like i had been hit in the gut with a brick made of truth.

for the last couple of months, i've been going on remote control. kinda like the guy from the old mcdonald's commercial. remember? get up, go to work, go home, go to bed. get up go to work go home go to bed get up go to work go home go to bed. get up go to work GO TO MCDONALD'S go to bed. caught in the same rut, day after day after day with something special every now and then, and then back to the rut.

i'm sorry, but i believe that i was put on this earth for more than that!! how about you? are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? (sorry, couldn't help using that old cliche) are you tired of same old same old? are you ready for a revolution? are you prepared for a life changing moment in your life. well so am i.

i don't consider myself a prophet. just a man who hears from God from time to time. but i believe that we can do more than just survive. we can do it simply by saying "Lord, in this hour, everything's for You. my heart is open and willing. take it". i love David's prayer that says "Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting."

if you notice, David gave no "here's how to be God" advice. or any other request but that God would know his heart and lead his actions. next time i pray, i think i'll try that. how about you?

much love

Monday, August 11, 2008

hey, i didn't fall off of the planet!!

well, it sure has been a crazy last couple of months hasn't it. i'm happy to say that baby bethany is home and doing great. she's up to 8 pounds now. wow, that's a long way from 3 pounds 4.5 ounces. oh yeah, she was suppose to be born last saturday. oops, only missed that one by about 2 and a half months. hey, maybe that means that she'll always be ready to go early or on time. well, she is still a female so i guess i shouldn't get my hopes up.

anyway, what have i been thinking about for these last couple of months. i sure haven't been blogging. mostly because i've been praying, or taking care of family, or trying to work or sleep, or (shhhhh) both at the same time (oops).

i have been thinking that i am the most blessed man on the planet.
even through all of the craziness. and all of the heartwrenching ache of doubt and fear that tried to tear apart my soul during the dark hours. i never felt abandoned. i never felt alone.

through the whole mess, i felt the hand of God firmly on my shoulder. He gave me strength to get through, to care for my wife, to care for all of my children (who, by the way, have taught me a newfound respect for single parents. i would never survive, God bless you all) i was reminded time and time again, that, "His strength is made perfect in my weakness". my friends, i have mastered the whole "weakness" part. and am thanking God daily for His strength.

be back soon
much love

Friday, July 25, 2008

coming soon

hey everybody!!

i know, i know, i know. it's been, like, 3 months since my last blog. i apologize, really, i do.

it has been absolutely insane around here though. first, my wife's water broke almost 3 months early, then a whole host of other things. but, now, everything is fine. my 'fun-sized' baby, who by the way does NOT have leigh in her name, (tsk, tsk) is home and doin't great. she is almost normal sized now and growing more everyday.

although i haven't had time to blog, trust me when i say, i've had plenty of time to think. so, there will be some interesting blogs coming soon. i have much to be thankful for. much to look forward to, and nothing more to fear.

talk to you SOON.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

the happiest sad day

wow, what a title.

i have to tell you. i think that i'm finally getting old, for real.
today, i realized that my 10 year old son, is going to grow up some day. a little more every day.

my son is very small for his age. he's 10 years old, about 4ft 2in. tall and has finally reached 63 pounds. maybe that's why i always think he's still my little guy. or maybe it's that denial thing hoping that i'll always be the coolest guy on the planet. but i have really got to get a grip on the idea that he's almost a teen.

anyway, today he informed me that he is old enough (and big enough) to mow the lawn by himself. automatically, i silently screamed halelujiah!!!! thank you Jesus!!!!! i love you Lord!!! you are so good to me!!!! then i thought, am i crazy to think that you should outweigh the push mower before you operate it? oh well. so i tell him, ok, let's try it out. you mow, and i'll watch to make sure you do it right and don't cut your feet off. about a half hour later, he was finished, and it looked just as good as if i had done it myself. (ok, that's not saying much but hey) and, i only had to give minimal instructions.

later, i wondered, is this how God feels? does he watch us take our first steps towards independance and think "hey, i'm right here if you need me. don't worry about anything. you're doing fine on your own, but if you need help, i'm right behind you waiting to help"

so many times, i wanted to jump in and rescue him from mistakes. i wanted to take the handle from him and straighten out the lines. but i had to let him learn to do it on his own. is that how God feels? He knows what we need to do. He knows that we're not going straight. He knows that He could fix it all for us. but instead, He loves us enough to let us grow.

wow. i guess, if nothing else, today i learned that even when i'm out there on my own, if i get off of the straight, my Father is right behind me, waiting to give me the instruction or even the help that i need.

God bless
much love

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

the world is finally spinning the right way

there are many things that could bring me down today. i must admit it. if i were to sit around and think of all the things that are not the way that i want them to be, i could sit and cry.

i mean really, it's an election year, and there aren't any real choices. we've got 2 communists in disguise, and a liberal democrat pretending to be a republican.

i must admit that right now, i really don't care about any of that. trouble at work, stess all around. it really doesn't matter to me today.

why you ask. the answer is simple. since last october, i have been deprived of my most favorite thing. and as of today, my motorcycle is finally fixed. yeah baby. i'll have bugs in my teeth tomorrow from smiling as i ride past all the gas stations with my 45 miles per gallon 2 wheeled piece of heaven on earth. thank you Jesus for giving us the know how to make life a little better with the joys of a 1500cc v-twin motor. you truly are an amazing God.

and for those of you who haven't yet experienced this joy, you have my condolences, and my prayers that God will find a way to bring you peace and joy in your life.

much love

Friday, March 28, 2008

no thanks, i can handle it.

no thanks, i can handle it

how many times have you said that? how many times have you been struggling, fighting, desperately holding on to that last scrap of sanity that you can call your own. then, when someone asks you "can i help you somehow?" you reply "no thanks, i can handle it".

if this is you, i have to ask you something. what makes you think that you are so tough?

i've been thinking about this all week. you see, sunday was easter. my favorite holiday. that is the day that i surrendered my life to Christ. april 3, 1994. easter sunday morning.

this year, for the first time, i spent the evening watching "king of kings" with my kids. while watching with my son and daughter both at my side, God reminded me of a revelation that i knew once, but had forgotten. "i really don't have to be that tough"

after Jesus was beaten, he had to carry his cross (i believe it was over 2 miles, but i may be wrong) to calvary. have you ever seen "the passion of the Christ"? i don't think that i could carry my cross to my neighbors house after that beating. but do you know what. Jesus couldn't do it either. at one point, while carrying His cross, he fell down and could NOT continue to carry it. so someone else had to carry it for Him!

my friends, don't you see, even our Lord needed help carrying His cross. just like you and me. sometimes we need help. sometimes we need to allow someone else to bear our burdens with us. if Jesus was able to allow someone to help Him, what makes us feel shamed when we can't carry our cross by ourself?

this is a hard lesson for me. i always feel like "hey, it's my cross, it's my battle, if i need help, the Lord will help me" but ya know what, sometimes, the Lord helps us by sending others in His place. and through our stubborness, we refuse the help that he sends us.

so the next time someone says "can i help you?" think about it before you say "no thanks, i can handle it"

much love

Sunday, February 24, 2008

someone is coming!

hey musiclovers!

sorry it's been so long, but this one's been building. i heard a speaker a couple of weeks ago, and one point he made stuck to me and i haven't been able to get it out. so drop your quarter, press A-1 and hopefully, you'll enjoy this selection from the jukebox of life.....

in the early 80's, a man was driving on the highway. as he traveled down the road, an airplane flew close to the ground, then crashed into the FROZEN potomac river. there were 79 people on board, but only 4 survived the crash.

the man pulled his car to the side, got out and ran down to the river's bank. when he got there, several people were trying to decide how to help. they had started making a rope by tying jumper cables, cloth diapers, jackets, blankets and whatever else they had in their cars.

this man suddenly just grabbed the end of the "rope" and tied it around his waist. he then jumped onto the icy river. he clawed his way towards the survivors. he slipped, fell into the water, crawled back out and kept going. several times, he slid into the frozen river. jumping from ice chunk to ice chunk. he broke several fingers, toes and a rib while jumping across the river. then he came to the end of the rope. he was still 4 feet away from the people that he was trying to save. and no matter what they tried, he couldn't reach them.

finally, the rescue helicopter came and got everyone out of the river and took them to the hospital. our friend who tried to save them, was in the hospital for 4 days with broken bones, and when he got to the hospital, his body temperature was still at 80 degrees farenhiet.

at the press conference, the survivors were being interviewed and one of the women said that the helicopter didn't rescue them. a reporter told her that she wasn't thinking clearly, that she didn't remember it right. but she said NO, I REMEMBER JUST FINE. the helicopter got us out of the river, but the sight of that man saved us. he just kept coming and coming. and as long as we could see him coming, we knew that SOMEONE was coming to SAVE US.


my thought is this. how many times do we see people suffering, hurting, or just plain miserable in their sins, and we don't reach out? my friends, it is time for us to tie the rope around our waist, jump in and show them that, hey, someone is coming to save you!!!!!!

the truth of the matter is this. they can't save themselves. and we can't save them. but we can show them that their is one who can save them. and if they see us coming, then they will have HOPE. and what greater thing can we offer someone who is lost and dying? hope of salvation! i may not be able to reach them, but someone is coming. you may not be able to reach them, but someone is coming. they may feel like they're at the end of their rope, but thank God, someone is coming. but if they don't see us trying to help them, how can they have hope to hold on?

so i leave you with this thought. the plane is down. the survivors are losing hope. if not you, then who is going to give them the hope that someone is coming?

much love and God bless

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

even when i didn't ask!!!

hey musiclovers!

this may just be a quick blog, or i may start to go on and on. i'm not sure yet, but stick with me, i'm sure you'll get a kick out of it!

as most of you know, i preached at evangel church of God 2 sundays ago. some of you were even kind enough to come and support me. (thanks very much, you'll never know what that means to me) anyway, a friend of mine who works with me in ministry came along with me. his name is robert. he is a really cool 19 year old with a heart on fire for God.

anyway, once we got there, i brought out my preaching bible. a pitiful thing that it is. i have beat it senseless. it even is being held together by duct tape. i gave him my typical response when he joked about it. i said "hey, bibles that are falling apart are usually owned by people that aren't". and we had a good laugh about it. i then preached one of the most heartfelt messages of my life, called "i want pretty feet". (yes, i know, i AM a dork) it was all about service and salvation. i was really pleased with the way that God used me.

the next week, robert gave me a brand new life application study bible. i almost broke down in tears.

you see, a little while back, i had to dispose of my old study bible. it was so abused that even duct tape couldn't hold it together anymore. this really bummed me out, but hey, i still had my preaching bible, and my travel bible, and my e-sword that i downloaded for free from my friend bill's chuch's website (thanks man, that is an awesome resource). but still, i no longer had my good study bible.

while i was preparing my sermon, i talked to God (yeah, i talk and read and study all at the same time). while studying, i mentioned that i really missed my study bible. i wasn't complaining, and i didn't ask for a new one. i just mentioned how much i missed it. then didn't think about it again because i knew i didn't have the money to get one that i really wanted.

so, imagine my surprise, when out of nowhere, my friend robert put that study bible into my hands. all i could think was "wow Lord, i didn't even ask you for this". it was all i could do to keep from blubbering like an idiot. imagine. God cares for me so much, that He gave me something that i didn't even ask for, just because He knew that i really wanted it.

the really, really cool part is this. i would probably NEVER have bought this particular bible myself. but after checking it out, i have to say that it is quite possibly the BEST study bible that i have ever owned. it has so many different helps and resources that it may take awhile to find ways to use them all!

you see, this is just yet another example of the greatness of the God that i serve. because, even when i didn't ask Him, he gave me something that i really wanted. because, He is just that cool.

much love

Sunday, January 20, 2008

it's my life, i'm not hurting anyone, just leave me alone!

ok, how many times have you heard that one? it has to be the number one response that people give when they're feeling convicted over their lifestyle choices.

they say things like, "hey, it's my life, i'm not hurting anyone, and if i want to do this, it's only affecting me." yeah. right.

have you ever read the book of jonah? if not, you should check it out. you see, God wanted jonah to preach repentance to the city of Nineveh. jonah didn't like them. (if you read it, you'll see that he ran from God's call because he knew that God would be merciful to them if they repented, and he wanted them to be destroyed)

so jonah ran from God's call. he boarded a ship destined for (what they believed at the time) the end of the earth. while off to sea, they found themselves in a furious storm that threatened to sink the ship. they unloaded the cargo into the sea. they all cried out to their god's. they woke jonah up and told him to ask God for help. that's when they found out that jonah was the cause for the storm.

they asked what could be done and jonah said "throw me off the ship". they wouldn't do it at first. they tried and tried to row the boat to shore but at last gave up and threw him into the sea.

now, let me ask you something. did jonah's disobedience to God only affect him? no. it affected not only jonah, but everyone around him. AND the people who were waiting for the cargo that had to be thrown overboard. AND the people of Nineveh.

NOW, let me ask you something else. who does your disobedience affect? sure, it affects you. but it also affects everyone around you. things that you shouldn't be involved in affect all of those involved. people that you may never know or meet can be affected because you "just checked it out". not to mention those whose lives could have been changed if you had only been obedient to God's voice.

i realize that we all suffer from O.D.D. (obedience deficit disorder) at times. and need a good shot of spiritual ritalin to get us back in line. well, here it is. if our disobedience can have such a negative affect on everyone around us, then that means in turn that our OBEDIENCE must also have a positive affect on those around us.

when jonah finally got out of the fishes belly, he ran to Nineveh and preached the revival of a lifetime and the entire city got saved!!!!! wow. just imagine that. because of one man's obedience, and ENTIRE city was saved!

so hey, after all, it's your life. now, what are you going to do with it?

much love

Thursday, January 10, 2008

theology from the backseat of a mini-van

wow. i can't believe it. on wednesday, my son turned 10 years old. double digits!!!

anyway, this year we decided to give my son a choice. he could either have a party like usual, or, he could do something cool with a friend. he decided to do something cool with a friend.

have you ever just listened to the conversations that your children have? i'm not talking about eavesdropping. i mean just listened while they talk to someone their own age. i got to do that this weekend.

my son desperately wanted to go to the dayton art institute to see the roman world exhibit. so for his birthday, we took him and a friend to see it. when we picked up his friend, also a 9 year old boy, we were listening to the radio. k-love. the song "so long self" by mercyme was playing. the 2 boys then went into a 10 minute discussion on what the song was actually about. i must say, as a parent, i was very happy to listen to the conversation. i didn't know the boys family very well. he was on my son's soccer team. but it was so cool to find that this was the type of kid my son choose to be friends with.

anyway, after about 10 minutes the boys decided that the song was about choosing to be a christian and telling satan that he wasn't allowed in your life anymore. i decided not to join the conversation. i wanted to hear how they would come to their decision. it was humorous in some spots, and almost tear-jerking in others, to hear how they came to their conclusions.

i don't think i spoke more than once or twice all the way to the museum. i was too wrapped up in listening.

many times, we worry about the future. we wonder how much to shelter our children. we struggle between the fine line of protecting them from the world and hiding them from it. the truth of the matter is this. one day, my son will have to choose for himself. he will have to decide between the world and eternity. good vs evil. God vs satan. and i won't be there to take him by the hand. i have to trust that i've done the job entrusted to me. that i've taught him to make those decisions on his own. man. that scares me. but the truth is, at some point, we have to give them the chance to make choices.

i like to ask my son about my lessons on sunday morning. sometimes, it's really funny to hear what he gets from my teaching. and it never fails, he always adds something that i didn't think of. i told him i'm going to have to run things by him before i give them. before long, i think he's going to be asking me what i think of his ideas for sermons.

wouldn't that be cool

much love

Friday, January 4, 2008

where is God?

ok, here's the deal. if you've read my stuff lately, you kinda know some of the things i've been dealing with. since i asked the questions "why" last week, i felt like i needed to continue on that vein this week. if nothing else, just to show everyone that i am, in fact, ok.

where is God?

how many times have you been asked that question? how many times have you asked it yourself?

the truth of the matter is, that we all have those moments. you know the ones. when we have borne all that we feel like we can bear. when we have finally come to the end of ourself. when we finally cry out, "dear God!!!! can you hear me????? are you there?? are you listening??

even one of my favorite bible heroes had that feeling. elijah the prophet hid in a cave, scared and trembling because he feared men. then elisha the prophet, after elijah was taken in the chariot of fire. he felt abandoned. in 2nd kings chapter 2. he took the mantel of elijah and hit the waters and said "where is the God of elijah?"

isn't it amazing. after everything that elijah and elisha had witnessed. raising of dead children. fire from heaven. among other things. they doubted the very presence of God in their lives at times. did that make them any less of a man of God? no. it made them human.

i am trying to put a video up here. i don't know if it will work, or if it is just a link. if it doesn't work, go to youtube and search for joshua bell, it will be the first one that comes up. check it out. then finish reading.

the violinist is joshua bell. he is the 1 violinist in the country, possibly the world. the violin he is playing was made in the early 1700's. it is worth over 3.5 million dollars. the cheap seats to his concert sell for $100. after the subway he played a sold out concert.

in the subway, he was barely noticed at all. he played for 45 minutes and people thought that he was a street player and in 45 minutes people placed less than $35 in his violin case! this man usually receives $1000 a minute to perform. and almost all of the people in the subway that day didn't even notice him.

it is just like that with God. we have something truly amazing right within our grasp. right here where we are. trying desperately to reach out to us. and what do we do? we turn away. act like we don't see. don't hear. why? because we know that if we look, if we notice, it may just cost us something. the people that noticed mr. bell recieved a concert that would have cost several hundred dollars. for spare change they had in their pockets. and received a few moments of beautiful music.

but if we would just open our eyes to the amazing God who is in our reach, it may cost us our lives, but it will win us eternity.

just remember, when you feel like God is nowhere to be found, He may just be right in front of your eyes. desperately trying to get your attention.

much love